
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Assignment: Mini-Golf Game

Mini-Golf Game

Create a brand new scene in Unity.

  • Create a level that contains a character and playfield.
  • Set up a "flag" location for the player to reach
  • The world must have obstacles such as buildings, structures, etc. You may build these in Sketchup or download them from online.
Unity Tips

  • Name objects in the heirarchy or the top of the inspector.
  • All imported assets such as artwork, models and music MUST be must inside the "Asset" subfolder on the project folder
  • Make sure to add a collider component to imported models, without objects are not 'solid' and objects will go through them.
  • Any object that moves needs a rigid body added to the model
  • To collect or collide with an object or enemy make sure that the "is trigger" is turned on in the collider component.
  • Some scripts require hitting an object with a certain name. To name an object create a tag under the "add tag" option in the Inspector. For instance the CollectItem script requires a tag called "Collect" with a capital "C." The RestartCollision requires enemy be marked with a tag called "Enemy."

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