
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Unity3D Basics

Unity Script


  • UI / Navigation
  • Lighting
  • Importing Objects
  • Materials
  • Organization
  • Gameplay
Activity 10: QA Test our 2D Games
1. Play at least three peoples games.
2. Write a short QA critique of the game
3. Was the game fun?
4. Were the controls easy to use?
5. Did you enjoy the gameplay?
6. What aspects did you enjoy about the game?
7. What constructive improvements could the person do to improve their game?
8. Other thoughts

Post your critique / QA response to the person blog. If that is not an option post the results to YOUR blog and send a link to their email address.

3-Point Lighting

Activity 11
Import your fantasy structure and vehicle into Unity. 

Apply the following:
  • Three point lighting
  • Basic Material Shader
  • Add a Ground Plane
  • Add a basic box collider to the object.

Activity 12: Roll-a-Ball

Complete the Roll-a-Ball exercises in the "Learn" section of Unity. Follow the eight video tutorial steps.

For the coding portion you'll need to use "Brackets," which can be found in your application folder. 

Unity Tips

  • Name objects in the heirarchy or the top of the inspector.
  • All imported assets such as artwork, models and music MUST be must inside the "Asset" subfolder on the project folder
  • Make sure to add a collider component to imported models, without objects are not 'solid' and objects will go through them.
  • Any object that moves needs a rigid body added to the model
  • To collect or collide with an object or enemy make sure that the "is trigger" is turned on in the collider component.
  • Some scripts require hitting an object with a certain name. To name an object create a tag under the "add tag" option in the Inspector. For instance the CollectItem script requires a tag called "Collect" with a capital "C." The RestartCollision requires enemy be marked with a tag called "Enemy."

Mini-Golf Game

Create a brand new scene in Unity.

  • Create a level that contains a character and playfield.
  • Set up a "flag" location for the player to reach
  • The world must have obstacles such as buildings, structures, etc. You may build these in Sketchup or download them from online.

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